Friday, April 22, 2011

Sango Burger

I fetched my daughter Monique and her cousins at the Shangri-la Mall the other day; we had a late lunch at Sango Burgers at the 6th floor.  This is a Japanese burger chain and their specialty is a rice-burger (yup, you heard it right) which has rice roll substituting as bread, and with beef teriyaki as the filling!  Delicious!  It was a new experience too, having Japanese mayo, finely chopped onions and seaweed laver lavishly sprucing up burgers.  Note that their curry burger also tasted good.  My only comment was that the serving size was "bitin" but you would expect that from a heavy eater like me... hehehe... Well, expect to spend some P200 per head... Enjoy!

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