Monday, July 18, 2011

Gourdo's Living Well

Had a great time at Gourdo's, which is one of Vicky's favorite home-themed stores.  A lot of stuff was on sale!  We quickly picked up a Lodge Dutch Oven (in bright red enamel, I might add) in which Vicky intends to use as a slow cooker for stews, calderetta and callos.  I've always liked stainless steel cookware and I got a Hamilton Beach stainless steel frying pan for half the price that I usually see it for.  I'll set this aside as this baby is for those times when I myself do the cooking (there was a time when I thought I could make a good chef, but that was then...hehehe!).  Not bad at all; it was a neat haul of kitchen stuff that we've always wanted!

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