Friday, December 30, 2011

Captain America

Next movie up on our holiday watch list--Marvel's big budget version of Captain America: the First Avenger!  Now there was that feeble attempt to create a show during the eighties (two TV movies starring Reb Brown), and then a more decent 1990 Albert Pyun screen version (starring Matt Salinger) came along, but this 2011 version is a definitely a true blockbuster.  Cinematography was meticulously made to show a believable Second World War backdrop, and the actors were topnotch (Stanley Tucci projects a kind grandfatherly image, Hugo Weaving delivers a megalomaniac's Oscar, while Tommy Lee Jones is a natural as a gruff army general).  The comic book was first launched by Jack Kirby in the early 1940s a moral booster for the American forces, and in the Silver Age of comics (early sixties), Captain America enjoyed a new round of popularity as the head of The Avengers--the A Team of the Marvel Universe.  

I can't wait to see the next Marvel presentation, "The Avengers." as the protagonists (The Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and Captain America) team up to fight a bigger enemy.

As they say, stay tuned to the same bat-time and bat-channel!  Oooops.... wrong universe.... hehehe.....

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