Thursday, June 2, 2011

Intelligence, Smarts & Wisdom

Message to Monique:  Remember our discussion on Intelligence, Smarts & Wisdom?  Let's run through it again-- Intelligence is the inate ability of a person to use mental and emotional tools, often measured as a quotient of mental age over chronological age (IQ) and a quotient of emotional age over chronological age (EQ).  That's like having a sponge--different materials like latex, polyurethane and cloth have different physical characteristics.  Smarts is when the intelligence is placed and utilized in a physical enviroment--different liquids bring out different responses in different sponges, much like people reacting differently in different situations.  Some shine, some act with mediocrity, some just fail.  Finally, wisdom is smarts earned over time--it's the worn sponge that has been used in the sink, the toilet and the countertop.  Been there, done that.  Win some, lose some.  The important thing to remember is that your choices will make you who you are.  Life is about choices, it's not just achieving some goal, but it's really about making choices consistent in the way you define yourself.  It's the journey dear, not the destination.  Wisdom is just the by-product in the pursuit of having a great journey! I love you.

1 comment:

anna banana said...

Oh, I like this one. You are one terrific kuya and daddy... :)Mwah!