Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Steve & Eydie

*photo from kids.eb.com
Someone played a cruel joke on me and told me that Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gorme had filed for divorce--I was a bit shocked and very sad!  My notion of true love was dissipated when one of the pillars cracked and fell apart.  I got hooked with their music in the mid-seventies when Gwammy's older brother and my uncle Jay introduced them to me, Steve had "Poinciana" while Eydie had "Blame It On the Bossanova," among others.  Luckily it turns out that the rumor is not true, and that one of the most enduring showbiz couples is still very much together!  The  two have been very successful with their respective solo singing careers, and the husband and wife team gained even more international success doing concert tours together.  I guess the ugly rumor started a few years ago when Eydie announced that, due to health reasons, she was retiring from active concert duty, leaving Steve to tour by himself.  While the song "The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me" is usually attributed to Gladys Knight and the Pips, I will always think of Steve's version as the gold standard.  If you will note, at the very last line, he sings the song especially for his wife, and he says "Eydie, you are the best thing that's every happened to me!"  It's truly one of the sweetest tributes in recording history.

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