Thursday, April 5, 2012

Driving School

It's now Holy Week and it's time for driving school again.  Lesser cars on the road, easy to move around town, no television, no malls, no diversions.  We practically grew up learning how to drive during Holy Weeks past, and Kong Kong would take each of the kids around town, rehashing the different driving techniques, and drilling them into our psyche.  What fun!  Last year, it was Mario's turn to learn, and this year, it's Monique's turn.  While the usual lesson plan was to start driving with M/T vehicles, upon the suggestion of Michaela, I'm starting Monique on an A/T vehicle, and once she gets the hang of things, we'd slowly try out the clutch!  I'm sure she'll pass with flying colors!

Time passes by so fast!  Cool, isn't it?

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