Tuesday, July 10, 2012

La Natural

Buko (young coconut) juice is one drink that I am absolutely crazy about.  Every chance I get, I don't hesitate to buy some for immediate consumption.  Aside from the wonderful taste, the supposed health benefits are plenty--the lauric acid in the juice is supposed to invigorate body cells, and the kidney-cleansing properties of the juice have been thoroughly researched.  I walked into a convenience store last night and found that a local company has started marketing a canned version of the product under the brand name La Natural, which is under the umbrella of the AgriNurture group.  Up till now, buko juice has been sold retail in plastic bottles requiring a constant temperature of 3-4 degrees centigrade (otherwise the juice turns into coconut vinegar).  The canning technology sure has some upsides, as the juice stays fresh for a longer shelf life.  At P31 per can, this to me represents a good alternative to sodas, soft drinks and other artificial juices. The taste isn't exactly the same as that coming straight from the coconut, and I would assume that the some preservatives have been added to maintain freshness.  Nevertheless, it's the availability I'm after--this does wonders, and for me is a better alternative to sports drinks and energy concoctions (taurine drinks).

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