Happy Bakery
I had to attend to some matters at the Metrobank Trust Department, and I found myself having lunch at the Food & Art Gallery at the 12th Floor of GT International Tower along Ayala Avenue. Upon entering the food court, I quickly learned that a free umbrella would be given to those who spend P300 in a single receipt, and since food court lunches averaged at P100 each, I knew wouldn't be able to eat 3 of these in one sitting. Lucky for me, I chanced upon Happy Bakery, and I was eager to have their piping hot Squash & Broccoli soup and their Tuna bread for lunch. Since this was a bakery, I was also able to accumulate take-home breads and pastries in order to make the P300 cut-off for my free umbrella! I got some egg pie, pineapple pie, coffee bread, kababayan, strawberry twirl, pan de coco, and cheese bread. Yes, typical goodies from your neighborhood panaderia and yes, food from my childhood! Vicky and Monique enjoyed the goodies when we got home, and I pointed out to Monique how Happy Bakery was able to upgrade the taste and presentation of these inexpensive bakery items.
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