Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mobility Achieved!

Our younger daughter Pipay has Down Syndrome, and her development has been an uphill climb because of two other factors--a very weak thyroid gland (daily dose of thyroid hormones is necessary), and hearing impairment (functioning with only 10% hearing in the left ear, and 50% hearing in the right ear).  Now 9, Pipay still undergoes her weekly rituals--physical, occupational and speech therapy, and we're now seeing this hard work pay off.  With a monobloc chair as her andador, I am amazed at how she is now able to navigate herself around Lola's house.  It sure appears that she is now mobile...!  That's fantastic, dear daughter...!  Now if I can only get her to stop her thumb-sucking and her eye-poking... one battle at a time.... ;-)

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