Monday, May 2, 2011

The Samurai

Talking about Mighty Thor has made me a bit sentimental.  I've been longing to find out whatever happened to the TV series "The Samurai" starring Koichi Ose as Shintaro Akikusa.  I never got to find out if the white ninjas prevailed over the black ninjas... You remember his sidekick, Tombei the Mist?  I still remember one word of advice given by Tombei that "Ninjas are forbidden to worry," and I still think of these words whenever I encounter the stress of daily life.  That was one much enjoyed television series in my time, and I can't help but think of this as the roots of the "Naruto" anime series the kids enjoy today.  Well, not just the kids... I must admit, I am a Naruto fan too....  Now ain't that a revelation...!  ;-)

1 comment:

aaarkitex said...

Go, go Naruto!

Try this link for your favorite childhood TV series: